How to Draw a Funny Monkey Face: Draw a Funny Monkey Face in easy steps. This funny face is easy for kids to draw and might even make you laugh!
Now let's get started with "How to Draw a Funny Monkey Face."
Drawing 1:
Start by drawing a circle for the head and a circle for the mouth and nose area.
Drawing 2:
Draw two circles for the eyes and a curved line for the mouth.
Drawing 3:
Draw in the eyelids and half circles for the eyes. Add two dots for the nostrils.
Drawing 4:
Now it's time to add the ears!
Drawing 5:
Complete the ears and draw in two squares for the eye highlights.
Drawing 6:
Darken in the eyes, add the eyebrows and the smile creases.
Drawing 7:
Here's the finished monkey face in all black lines.
Drawing 8
Use crayons markers for colored pencil to color your monkey face!
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